Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 313

These are the gift cards Daniel gave me for my BD. Used part of them today at the Olive Garden. Thanks Daniel.....


  1. How sweet of Daniel. I love the Olive Garden.

  2. Carol, I have lost your email but wanted to tell you that "Tim" (I just loved him, he's so funny and totally awesome).. did some classes at a scrapbook store in Elks Grove. I would so love to do one of his cruises. AND Lorrie made me a blog button one for each of my blogs, but I really wanted to learn how to do it, so she has been helping me. I know I have been driving her crazy. But if I can help you at all I would love to, it might re-enforce what Lorrie taught me. hugs

  3. Thank you so much for lunch yesterday. It was nice to get out and hang with you.

  4. Olive Garden.. always yummy!!!! I love their alfredo
