Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 112

OK here is the story on this cart. I've been wanting to make a mini album using the birdcage on the SFTN cart. Since I won't pay what that cart is going for I found a birdcage on this cart. So I bid on Ebay and won it for $23.15 and free shipping. The sad part is I don't care about the rest of the cart just the birdcage. Can't pass up a deal. I seriously have to go back to work to support my scrapbooking habit. I promise not to buy anymore carts for awhile. I promise. I promise. I promise.


  1. ha ha your funny, you won't buy another one until the next batch comes out. I can't wait to see the finished album.

  2. LOL.. I with Bridget, can't wait to see the finished album

  3. what a great deal!! You will do amazing things with it.

  4. Good job on the buy! I would buy it too for that price. I am sure you will find something else on that cart to are very creative!
