Today was the first day I tried to do a digital. I decided I wasn't going to give up until I dropped this picture of my GD into the Twilight template. I googled how to put pictures into a template with Photoshop. I guess it couldn't get any easier. So I printed the picture in a 12x12 at Costco just to see what it looked like. It looked pretty good but I'm still not sold on digital. A lot faster and I would probably get more pages done but I like the dimension and getting my hands inked. Although I can see where digital would be cheaper since I spend a lot of $ doing one page or album. Not convinced I need to switch yet.
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I hear you Carol, that's exactly how i feel, I love feeling the paper and inking, etc.. I thought i was the only one left that hadn't gone digital..
ReplyDeleteyou don't have to go totally digital. I've decided that anything that is on my computer will go digital. All the boxes of pics in my closet will get the paper treatment. lol
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see the page in person.
I do both digi and paper. I love both for different reasons. Your page is great! Do whatever works for you. I like Bridget's theory... I just kind of do whichever I'm in the mood for.
ReplyDeleteForget to tell you it was an awesome layout... either way you will do great.. digital or paper.
ReplyDeleteI love playing with paper and especially buying ALL the supplies! I will still do both. I am loving being digital with Project Life though! Great job on figuring out how to get your picture into your template!