Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 239

We felt like Mexican food tonight so we went to El Burrito. This restaurant started the first location in 1969 in a trailer on Fremont Street called El Burrito Cafe (now closed). I remember going to eat at that restaurant when I was in my twenties. They then opened one on Washington and Decatur. They have the best noodle soup I have ever eaten. I tried once to shake them of the recipe but would only tell me two ingredient's. I tried to make it but not the same. They sold that location a couple years ago. In 1993 they opened this location in Summerlin. Like myself it's been in Vegas along time.


  1. how come we have never gone there for lunch. We will have to go since Mexican is my second favorite food.

  2. So.. what were the two ingredients? Too bad you weren't able to replicate it. Have you tried to google the soup recipe.. a lot of people post restaurant knockoff recipes... I have Olive Garden Fettucine recipe.. it's pretty darn close.
