Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 140

Tonight was Daniel's last guitar performance for High School. It was Seniors' choice. He received two awards. One was for Trio Ensemble and Best Jazz. The sunglasses is a joke they have for the Trio. They are the three amigos. The graduating seniors had one of the art students do a canvas of all the guitar majors graduating this year for the Teacher Mr. Swick. Each kid signed his name. It was pretty cool looking.


  1. Congratulations to Daniel. That canvas is a neat gift by a talented artist. Is Daniel the one in the upper right corner (with the sunglasses)?

  2. Wow.... that's quite a canvas. Amazing talent. Wish I could draw/paint. Congrats to Daniel... (I'm sure it's bittersweet for mom..) All these final days of high school... where did the time go?

    BTW.. I love the sunglasses... very cool. :)

  3. Congratulations Daniel... and I know your pain letting go Carol. But it looks like you have raised one great kid.

  4. Did you bring lots of tissues? That canvas turned out great. I also thought Daniel was in the upper right hand corner.
