Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 47

Had to go by the library today and I don't know why these critters fascinate me so much. They have statues of lizards, turtles and a snake that are in the entrance.
Every time I go I want to take a picture so today I stopped and took it.


  1. OMG... I thought you saw a snake! LOL Scared me to death. Glad it wasn't real because I was going to tell you that you're nuts for getting close enough to that to take a photo!! WHEW!

  2. It looks real Carol. I would not get that close!

  3. Oh dear, I thought that was real! I don't even have a photo yet for today!

  4. Oh wow, I thought it was real too.. Great pictures

  5. Which library is this one? Must be Centennial.
